AWOL Ministers and Leaders Volunteer Signup
Sept. 2023

***More information to come as we get a little closer. Right now, we are just guaging intersest in those to help make this MLC successful!
Thank you again for showing you interest in helping us make this event successful! God is doing BIG things and as long as we have been in ministry both on our own and with others, we know God’s plans become established and fulfilled by the working of his people together as one body.
Here are the main things we need help with and details of the event. Please look it over and get back with us as soon as possible with the date(s) and areas you are willing and able to help:
-Flyer Team: Starting in September nightly from 6-8pm. 700-750 flyers need to go out per night until out.
-Worship Team: Musicians and Singers (there will be some special nights with a guest singer/musician) we will have FREE training with this highly trained worship artist during the last few days (during the day) of the event you will NOT want to miss!
-Ushers: Handle the taking of offerings, help facilitate prayer and ministry time for Rev. Elliott (catching, crowd control, etc.)
-Registration Tables: need 6-7 people to help as both pre-registrations and registrations come in nightly (especially needed the first 5 nights during give-a-ways).
-Camera Crew/Media/Sound: We will be live streaming the event and will have one stationary camera, one moving camera, and software to control switching. Also need someone to monitor comments on social media. Also a photographer would be great too.
-Greeters: Welcome people in, help people find seats, etc.

*There may be other needs that rise up during the event that you may be asked to help while there.
I would encourage everone to come as many nights as you can! Each night, the Holy Spirit has free reign, and will bring great things to all who hunger and thirst for Colorado to be shaken by the mighty hand of God!