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The Lord spoke to Rev. R. Elliott Merskin over three nights through dreams and confirmations so intense, he could hardly stand it! So in a period of 4 days of writing and 7 DAYS till completion, Rev. R. Elliott wrote and published the book, A GREAT SHIFT, to make sure this timely word for 2023 got out to EVERY BELIEVER POSSIBLE!

God has his hand on the shifter and is turning to look at you with the intensity of, “ARE YOU READY?” Then, with haste in the movement of his hand, God will shift that gear downward, causing a sudden acceleration of power! This power will be so vast that no one will be able to deny that God is real! He is God!
I felt the Holy Spirit say, “There is a shifting going to take place in the body of Christ." What does that shifting look like? Would you jump in the passenger seat and get ready for the shift? Join me in this prophetic word from the Lord and be a part of A Great Shift!                    
-Rev. R. Elliott Merskin
Order your copy of A GREAT SHIFT and find out what God has in store for HIS people with this prophetic word from the Lord:

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